Virtual Assistant Services

This is only a selection of the virtual assistant services I can offer, so please ask if you have something else in mind that isn’t listed!

Project Management. You don’t have to oversee every detail or deal with every complication and can still be sure you’ll hit your deadline with a quality product.

Email Management. Spend the minimum amount of time dealing with your inbox to keep up a professional response time, and never lose track of messages or information. 

Proofreading. Be confident your official messages sound professional, communicate what you mean, and match your business style, whether it’s for website content, email newsletters, social media posts, press releases, ebooks, or emails.

Website, Social Media, and Newsletter Management. The sources clients and customers use to find out about your business will always be up-to-date with consistent messaging. I’ll make sure your content is formatted cleanly and your updates go out reliably. I’ve worked professionally with websites on WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix; social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram; and newsletters using MailChimp and Demandforce.

Business Research. Whether it’s for an expanding segment of your industry, new technology you may want to implement to make your business run more smoothly, or conference opportunities to market your products, let me spend the time collecting information into a format you can review easily to make the best decisions for your business quickly.

Event Coordination. You don’t have to worry about any of the logistics that go into event planning, be it an event you’re appearing at or one you’re running. Whether it’s coordinating with vendors or hosts, making sure promotional materials are ordered in the right quantities and delivered on time, or negotiating a hotel menu for specific dietary restrictions, I can take care of it.

Travel Planning. Get where you’re going on time, without hassle, and without fearing you’ve missed a critical step. No accidentally booking flights at horrible hours, no remembering to plan the flight and hotel but losing track of how you’re getting between them, and no finding yourself without critical documents or no way to access files when your destination has no WiFi. I have planned everything from weekend business trips to treks to Tibet: I’ve got you covered.

Author Assistant Services

Just to start, the Author Assistant services I offer include everything from the Virtual Assistant services list—but geared toward the publishing industry. For instance:

Event Coordination means organizing the logistics for events from bookstore appearances and speaking engagements to Facebook parties and conferences.

Newsletter Management involves making sure your announcements are written, formatted, and ready to go out on key dates like cover reveal and launch day.

Website Management means new covers, information on upcoming release dates, buy links, and press kits are always up-to-date.

Project Management can be a matter of launch preparation, keeping you on track for blog tours, appearances, ebook listings, and more. I can also help smooth the book creation process: keeping your files of inspiration or outlines organized or making sure you’re on track to meet deadlines for drafting or editing.

But there are many more author-specific services I can offer, including:

  • Formatting, be it your manuscript for submission, an ebook, or a blog post complete with graphics and links.
  • Troubleshooting, because technology and systems have weird glitches, and I can sort out whatever has gone wrong with Amazon or IngramSpark so you don’t have to.
  • ARC Team Management, keeping track of sign-ups, contact information, reviewer links, updates to the team, and ARC distribution.
  • Assembling Media Kits and Press Releases, because writing books involves different skills than marketing them.

Looking for someone to handle creating social media graphics in Canva or Book Brush, sending out promo materials, running giveaways, setting up ads on Amazon/Facebook/Bookbub, bookkeeping, or something else? Just ask! If I don’t already know how to do it, I can figure it out so you don’t have to.

Business logo enclosed in teal circle: leaf design with text "Casey Blair Virtual Assistant"


My rate is $40/hour for any or all services.

My minimum is 4 hours per month. I can typically work up to 4 hours for you on any weekday, depending on my client load. Whether you need occasional website maintenance, minimal daily email assistance, or a variety of tasks every day, I can accommodate you.

For further details or to discuss your particular needs, get in touch!